Hi everyone!
The time for school to start back is approaching in our community. This is one of my favorite times of the year with kids getting new school supplies and finding out who will be their teacher. Changes in the school year also mean changes in our church. “Promotion Sunday” is August 15 and means your child will be promoted to a new level of learning within our Children’s Ministries.
Sundays — Sunday School, JAM and Jr. JAM Town, NE1 and NE1 Jr.
Sunday School begins at 9:15 am. Children within the Nursery and Preschool are in classes based upon their age and when they will be entering Kindergarten. Children above that are grouped in classes by grades. We will be available to help you find your child’s class at the main building and to answer any questions you may have on Sunday, August 15.
Jr. JAM Town is for those who are age 4 by August 1, 2021 through Kindergarten. Starting August 15, you will need to pick up your child following Sunday School. They will be able to worship with you before being dismissed to Jr. JAM Town. The lesson will reinforce what they have learned in Sunday School and is designed for their age group. We have rotating teachers each week who will speak truth into the lives of our kids.
JAM Town is designed for children ages first through fifth grade. Fifth graders are given leadership roles during JAM Town such as working the computer, helping to lead games, and helping with younger children.
NE1 and NE1 Jr. is from 5:00—6:00 pm and is for children ages two through fifth grade. K-5th will meet in Jam Town during that time your child will learn worship music, the importance of time alone with God, and have large group time focused on learning what worship truly is. NE1 Jr. is for ages 2 through Pre-K and meets in Jr. JAM Town to learn worship music and have a Bible lesson together. We have nursery available for those under age 2 if you are attending Bible study at that time.
Wednesdays – Dig In! – 6:30 -7:45 PM at our Main Building
On August 25th, we will start our new Wednesday Night program called Dig In! We are so excited about unifying our Kids ministry all on one campus at our Main Building. This program is for kiddos starting at age 2 through fifth grade. This program is absolutely free and we are so eager to offer this ministry to the kids of our community. We will start at 6:30 in Jam Town for K-5th and Ages 2 through Pre-K will meet in the Children’s Ministry Hallway. More info is to come about drop off and pick up as we get closer to our first meeting.
You can register your child for NE1, NE1 Jr, and Dig In at: https://rebrand.ly/diginne1
Please let me know if you have any questions about what is coming up in our kid’s ministry and how we can help you.
Thank you!
Jennifer Weaver
Children’s Minister